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2021 LTP - How we can help

Your plan needs to clearly demonstrate you have assessed all the facts and are spending the right amount of money at the right time, in the right place, and for the right reasons. What helps your business case is having evidence-based information to justify your strategic decisions.​ 


We’ll help you to evaluate your asset network data (regardless of its state), and translate your technical modelling outcomes into quantifiable, digestible information so you and your team are fully informed as you prepare your investment plan.


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Find the best outcome


We’ll help you test different investment scenarios and the effect of those decisions on your assets so that you can get the balance right for your Long-Term Plan and community. The result is solid, reliable, accurate modelling outcomes and evidence-based reports which will give you the confidence to make the right decisions.


We have an experienced team who can:


  • Provide you with quality assurance and reliable scoping of the work you need

  • Assist you in improving and qualifying your base data – regardless of its current condition

  • Help you ask the right questions before you start your analysis so you get the answers and outcomes you need for your plan

  • Draw modelling focus on your local network’s specific issues or challenges

  • Deliver reliable recommendations and outcomes to answer strategic questions enabling you to make effective decisions


Our modelling slots book out fast – don’t miss out, book now:


p: Riaan Theron, IDS Bureau Services Manager


m: +64 21 274 4755

2021 - What you need to know

Our 2021 timeline below outlines some important dates you need to know to get your plan in on time and where we can help along the way. Download a copy of the timeline so you can keep track of your progress.


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Infrastructure Decision Support in New Zealand     ©2024 by IDS

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