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Why dTIMS modelling tool?

The goal of IDS is to empower all New Zealand local authorities to undertake deterioration modelling for key infrastructure assets. Deterioration modelling will provide you with the best foundation to develop your 30-year infrastructure strategy and build your business case for asset maintenance management.

Benefits of dTIMS


'dTIMS (Deighton Total Infrastructure Management System) is a holistic infrastructure asset management system that enables an agency to locate, maintain, rehabilitate, and manage critical infrastructure assets throughout their lifecycle.' (


dTIMS will forecast the condition of your assets with a deterioration model that accurately reflects the conditions in New Zealand. It gives you the ability to test different investment scenarios so you can determine optimal investment levels to achieve your goals for your network (such as targeting ONRC performance levels). Engaging in deterioration modelling will allow you to proactively manage your assets and optimise the rate payer's investments over the whole life of your assets.


The dTIMS system has been developed in New Zealand for New Zealand RCAs to assist in your asset planning processes.


1. dTIMS - The tool we use

We have adopted dTIMS as the tool of choice to carry out deterioration modelling and life-cycle cost analyses for New Zealand's infrastructure assets. We have a strong relationship with the developer company, Deighton Associates Limited, to provide interactive user support and technical guidance.


2. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis

dTIMS will generate the optimal repair, upgrade and replacement strategies to manage your infrastructure now and into the future.

3. Multiple Asset Types

Our models allow you to optimise the allocation of budgets between multiple assets or between maintenance and rehabilitation strategies.

Engineer Working on Machinery

4. Use dTIMS for Modelling

dTIMS will model your remaining service life, forecast condition, calculate benefits, determine optimum maintenance and repair strategy and forecast risk levels.

5. dTIMS Integration

dTIMS can be integrated with other systems including: financial, human resources (CRM), geographic information systems, planning , maintenance contracts, purchasing and project management.

Mechanical Engineer's Sketch

6. dTIMS Reporting

dTIMS estures a variety of detailed reports, comparative reports, map-based reports and more. View the impact of current work plans or simulate the potential impact of budget increases or cutbacks.

7. Maintenance Activities

dTIMS is a tactical maintenance management system which allows for the management of the entire maintenance business process.


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Infrastructure Decision Support in New Zealand     ©2024 by IDS

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