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Dr Theuns Henning Presents: "A Regional Perspective on Long-term Investment Modelling"

If you are headed to the IPWEA New Zealand Conference this week, add this presentation to your list!

Dr. Theuns Henning - (Infrastructure Decision Support NZ (IDS NZ) and Engineering at the University of Auckland), is presenting "A Regional Perspective on Long-term Investment Modelling".

Have you performed a network dTIMS analysis on your road network? Great if you have. What will happen if you undertake a regional investment analysis? How will the results differ, and what do the differences mean?

This presentation explores the findings from regional analysis and ways this type of analysis can be applied in the future.

WHEN: Day 2 - Thursday 22 June

STREAM: Te Whakamahere mō Anamata | Planning for the Future

TIME: 11.30AM

WHERE: IPWEA New Zealand 2023 Conference - Te Whakaohooho i ngā Rangatira o Āpōpō | Inspiring Our Next Generation

New Zealand councils undertake long-term performance modelling as part of the 3-yearly Land Transport Plan. The pavement performance modelling is crucial evidence for the business case demonstrating the short, medium and long-term investment needs for road maintenance and renewals. It is also instrumental in establishing the potential Level of Service risks should a less-than-ideal investment scenario be followed.

However, the limitation of the current approach is that individual council’s road networks investment do not fully account for regional objectives and outcomes. It is believed that these results may be slightly sub-optimal if it is compared to regional investment needs and wider community outcomes. With the Consistent Condition Data Quality Initiative from Te Ringa Maimoa, having data collected in a consistent manner allows for meaningful analysis at a regional and national level.


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