We are committed to providing solutions for Asset Managers to Senior Executives and Governance to make more informed decisions.
Protecting and future-proofing your asset means assessing all the facts to ensure you spend the right amount of money at the right time, in the right place, and for the right reasons.
Our infrastructure management support and solutions utilise network performance modelling software to optimise the financial and whole-of-life performance of your key infrastructure assets and operations.

Find the best outcome
Evaluate your asset network and translate your technical modelling outcomes into quantifiable, digestible information so you and your team are fully informed to make the best decisions for your asset and community.
You can test different investment scenarios and the effect of those decisions on your assets so that you can get the balance right for your plans and community.
The result is solid, reliable, accurate modelling outcomes and evidence-based reports which will give you the confidence to make the right decisions.​
How We Help Asset Managers, Owners and the Wider Sector

With IDS you can:
Gain access to dTIMS and consortia of professionals who undertake dTIMS modelling
Give meaning to existing condition data
Get a better understanding of data deficiencies and where to get the best value in data improvements
Accurately forecast for many years, the condition of your infrastructure assets under different investment scenarios and intervention strategies (given sufficient network condition data)
Use the model outcomes to assist the development of long-term infrastructure strategies that best indicate what is likely to happen over the 30-year strategy period
Improve both your strategic and operational effectiveness and optimise investment in your network
Test different investment scenarios suited to your organisation
Build a business case based on sound scientific findings.

Asset Management Software, Services, and Support
Decision making support
We are able to use good tools to provide insight into the most appropriate/optimal investment levels on your network.
Deliver reliable recommendations and outcomes to answer strategic questions enabling you to make effective decisions.
We can assist to determine appropriate and sustainable levels of service.
Through detailed analyses of your asset requirements and investment profiles, we can provide insight into associated levels of service outcomes.
We also provide assistance with specialised projects, such as pavement performance analysis for HPMV routes or logging and milk transporting routes.
We have deterioration models developed in New Zealand for New Zealand conditions, assisting us in predicting future asset conditions, the risk of failure, renewal and inspection needs.
Using localised cost sets we can make treatment cost and quantity forecasts with limited funding scenarios.
We can assist in forecasting maintenance needs for road or water infrastructure networks.
Our forecasts are not only based on traditional variables but also that from new emerging research. For example, forecasting pipe replacements by using both pipe age and performance expectations.
Asset Management Software Training and Support
We have a helpdesk available 5 days a week to assist with any technical problems relating to deterioration analyses or software. A wealth of support information is available, including research papers, conference presentations, technical reports and training manuals.
With the implementation of water infrastructure modelling, face-to-face support can be arranged to assist with set up of the water infrastructure modelling tool.
We offer comprehensive training offering via our IDS/Deighton University.
We also provide on-site training on request to address staff needs and provide support to ensure solid understanding and confidence of the modelling processes. If you have specific issues and needs to be addressed, we can arrange workshops to brainstorm and flesh out solutions.
Get in touch with our team to discuss your needs.